Omah Petruk Yogyakarta

These are some photoes of Omah Petruk in Pakem, Jalan Kaliurang, Yogyakarta. The place is very wonderful. There are some houses which represent human passion. The owner said that Omah Petruk is "house of people". Petruk itself in "Pewayangan" symbolizes "people". I spent my weekend here with friends of KMPKS (Keluarga Mahasiswa/i dan Pelajar Katolik Sumbagsel). For those who do not know Sumbagsel; Sumbagsel means the South part of Sumatera, includes: Lampung, South Sumatera, Bengkulu, Jambi, and so on which are in the south part of Sumatera. I suggest this house for refreshing and also for camping.

 Here are two pedicabs

 This is the room in one of the houses
This is the bathroom. We had to walk downstairs ^^
 This is the "Pendopo"

 Here, it is called "Mbok Turah". This is a woman sculpture represent "Mother Marry"

There is Pink Elephant or "Pink Lady" (the people there call it). He said that, the sculptor made it because he found that women in Paris were being red faced when they are drunk.


  1. Please, give me some comments about my blog or my wrting...

  2. Saya ingin tahu letak persisnya Omah petruk di sebelah mana ya? O ya, bagaimana dengan tarifnya? per orang berapa ya kira? trims ...

  3. saya ke sana naik bus, seingat saya dekat cangkringan. maaf klu informasinya kurang jelas. soal tarif juga saya tidak tau soalnya saya cuma ikut acaranya aja

  4. klu cp nya saya gk punya nanti kucoba hubungi teman saya yang masih (mungkin) berhubungan dengan pemilik tempatnya

  5. tempatnya dingin atau tidak ya? apakah kita harus memakai celana panjang atau memakai jaket hangat tiap hari?

  6. tempatnya sejuk. gk begitu dingin klu siang. tpi klu malam dinginnn bgt. buat persiapan bawa celana panjang aja. airnya jg dingin bangett....sewaktu pagi aku bangun kyk air es tp begitu kena badan jadi terasa segerrr...hehe

  7. anak saya baru saja kehilangan Iphone 4S, mohon agar menjadi perhatian pengelola, juga siapa saja yang akan menginap disana agar berhati-hati,,,


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