This is the novel written by Eiji Yoshikawa. The novel tells the story about a samurai named Sinmei Takezo (Miyamoto Musashi) and about the way of sword. This is an epic story I ever read. It does not only tell about the life of a samurai, but there are also romanticism (Otsu and Musashi),  the loyalty of a mother (Osugi, who loves his son very much), and the political situation in that Era.

This novel appeared in 1985. In that year, the novel was divided into 7 books but now, the novels are bounded into one thick novel that cannot be brought anywhere (T_T). I like the old version more because I can bring them everywhere. Actually, I borrowed the novels from the library (Sanata Dharma Library). There are many books in that library including the English translated novels/books. One of English translated novels that I read from that library was "I am a cat" (Japanese novel too). But I couldn't finish it yet (LOL). I also read "Botchan" (the Indonesia version), the novel about a kid named Botchan - Japanese male nick-name for the son of the high statues. The story was very touching. The affection between the maid and her Botchan was very touching (TT.TT). I cannot say another word except "touching".

Now! It's time for me to review the novel of Eiji Yoshikawa. I would like to tell you the story-line of the novel. hehe....  Check this out!

Each of the chapter in this Novel seems to tell their own story as their titles. I didn't know why the author divides the chapter into seven. I also didn't know why the title was like the name of the element in the earth.
I read the first book on Januari 2014. Now I just can remember a little about this novel. Well, I hope the title of the chapter aren't wrong and the content of the novel is right.

1. Book ONE - Earth
As I have said, I read this novel again on January 2014. The month when I haven't had any job and I just spent my hours reading novels. This first chapter begins with the end Sekigahara War. In the pile of dead bodies, Simmen Takezo and his friend, Matahachi laid down. They didn't have any strength to wake up after the war that they involved in. They were 16 years old at that time. They were still like kids who didn't think much longer. They jumped to the war without thinking about the consequence. Fortunately, they were safe and they were still alive. After they had some strength, they walked into the forest and they saw a house with a woman and a girl in it. They asked a permission to stay in that house. The woman's name is Oko and the girl's name is Akemi.
From this first book, I can tell the difference between the way of Takezo thinking and Matahachi thinking. Takezo has been wary about the consequence of the war and he doesn't want to make mistakes again. He only wants to come back to his hometown and lives with his sister. On the other hand, Matahachi has been addicted to Oko. He wants to stay with this woman and doesn't want to come back to his hometown.
Takezo finds a chance to flee from the house and he takes the chance to tell Matahachi's mother and the town about their mistakes. However, when he comes back, Matahachi's mother - Osugi has been very angry with him. She says that the one who makes Matahachi becomes a bad kid was because of Takezo. Takezo was like a fugitive in his own country. He can only hide from the people in the village.
In this book, there appears some main character, such as Takuan and Otsu. Takuan is a prist and Otsu is Takezo's and Matahachi's childhood friend. Otsu is Matahachi fience. Otsu likes Matahachi and she wants to be his wife. But after she knows Matahachi leave her, she hate him so much.
In this first book, Takezo meets Takuan, the priest who changes his mind. When Takezo is hanged on the tree, I don't know how is Takuan's words can be so magical that Takezo wants to change? In the end of this book, after Takuan "spells" his magic to Takezo, he changes his name to Miyamoto Musashi as it is commended by Takuan.

2. Book TWO - Water
If I was right, the name of the second book is Water. I remember all the experience in this novel by relate them with the content of the novel. I can say it because in every book, I can feel the element itself when I read the novel. I said, "Oh...this is why this book called water. Because most of the character contact with water" In this second book, I think the character use water because of that. In this book, Takezo has changed  into Musashi. He begins his journey as a sugyosha. He left Otsu behind when the girl took her stuff from Osugi's house. On the bridge, Musashi only writes "Sorry" to say appologize to Otsu.
The main story of this book is that Musashi meets Jotaro, who will be his pupil. Jotaro is an energic boy. He is really royal to Musashi, event hough Musashi threat him not as a pupil. I think it's only because he has not got any pupil before. He is still learning while decide to be a sugyosha. He think he is not confident to raise a child as his pupil. Even though Musashi only asks him to do this and that and he never really teaches him, Jotaro isn't angry. However, sometimes, when Jotaro hears something bad about his teacher, he still wants to believe Musashi and follows him. Jotaro is not very long becoming Musashi's pupil. He was told to give something to Yoshioka group and after they separate each other, Jotaro doesn't follow Musashi anymore and he accompanies Otsu and he promises he will protect Otsu until Otsu meets Musashi again. Jotaro

3. Book THREE - Fire
In this book, Eiji Yoshikawa introduces the rival of Musashi, Sasaki Kojiro. In the manga, Kojiro is a deaf person, but in the novel Kojiro is a handsome man that has high ambition. In the novel, I don't really remember when both Musashi and Kojiro met. But in the manga, they met right after the Sekigahara war. Kojiro and Musashi accidently caught into the war and they fight together. It was very pleasant to see they fight together and they seems understand each other and they would become good friends. I don't really remember is there any fire in Yoshioka temple, Yes I think because I remember the one that lift on the fire is Musashi. The incident was right after Musashi fought one of Yoshioka's pupil. Wait. I forgot someone. Yes! Matahachi, Matahachi is the one that lift the fire. Matahchi is really an dishonest person. I think he doesn't have a good manner as a man. He is always wants to run from the problem he gets. He never solves his problem, even when he laid to everybody that he is Kojiro. In every story that I like, there definitely is a character whom I hate so much. Like in Gundam Seed, the character I hate is  Flay. Oh, every time I read Musashi, I always wanted to skip Matahachi's parts. But anyway, in this book,

4. Book FOUR - Wind
5. Book FIVE - Sky
6. Book SIX - Sun and Moon
7. Book SEVEN - Perfect Light

Can I really continue writing this review? I absolutely cannot remember what was written in the novel (unless I read them again). I am sorry readers..

The only thing I can remember is that this novel has been made into manga by Takehiko Inoue, the creator of Slam Dunk and Real. The manga's name is Vagabond. The story line is quite the same, but the difference is only in the character of Sasaki Kojiro. In the novel, Sasaki Kojiro was not deaf, ,but in the manga Sasaki Kojiro is a deaf man.


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